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Regional Scientific and Practical Conference : Dialogue of Cultures


In Stavropol State Agrarian University , there was a regional scientific-practical conference "Dialogue of cultures as a factor polietnokonfessional peace and harmony among the people of the North Caucasus " with the participation of students of the North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol State Medical University , Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University , cultural centers and ethnic councils of Stavropol universities . The event was organized by the lecturers of the Philosophy and History Department.

Head of the Department N.G. Guzynin opened the conference. Presentations were made by Professor S.B. Kalinchenko , S.V. Janush , Associate Professor V.I. Curcev and H. Opieva (undergraduate student, SKFU) , students K. Nanikov (4th year , SSMU ), P. Farahmand (2nd year, SSAU ) , O. Smolin (4th year, SSAU ), V. Surikov (1st year , SSAU ) , Y. Karpov (1st year, SSAU ) . Participants discussed economic and religious aspects of interethnic relations in modern Russia, the sociocultural features of the North Caucasus, overcoming intercultural conflicts, and talked about the leading role in the formation of patriotic education of civil and ethnic identity of young people.

Students who prepared interesting performances were awarded by diplomas. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.05.2014
Номер новости для фото:  5

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