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Master class in the art gallery by P. Grechishkin : conversations about eternal


On May 28, 2014 Associate Professor of Philosophy and History V.I. Curchev held in an art gallery of landscapes by P. Grechishkin master class on " The artistic heritage of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation P. Grechishkin and its role in moral and aesthetic environmental education of youth . " It was organized for the 1st year students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources. The event was attended by the teachers of the Department of Philosophy and History : Head of the Department, Associate Professor N.G. Guzynin, Professor I. Gulyak , Associate Professor I. Kravchenko, assistant head of the museum of the University O. Shmatko .

Vladimir Ismailovich interestingly and excitingly spoke about the life and work of an outstanding artist , one of the most famous landscape painters of the South of Russia - the master class participants have vivid impressions . The majesty of nature , its timeless beauty - the source that fueled the work of this talented artist .

Дата новости для фото:  29.05.2014
Номер новости для фото:  5

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