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The competition for the title of the best students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine Best"


Results of the competition for the title of the best students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine best" in May.

"Nine best " - a competition to identify the best students who have shown outstanding performance in teaching, research , social , cultural , artistic , sporting life of the university and beyond. When evaluating the contestants, the special achievements in learning programs of higher education , advances in research , the results of extracurricular activities were taken into account .

Best students in May 2014 were:

Faculty of agro biology and land resources 

Pavel Matyushchenko - 5th year student, honors student, the head of the group , chairman of the scientific group at the department of selection, seed production and storage technology of plant breeding products named by prof. F.I. Bobryshev . Nominal scholar of " RAB ". Olympiad medalist in German language ( 2nd place ) . Organizer of creative and social activities at the department. Member of scientific conferences , author of scientific articles . Awarded for research on " Concentration camps during World War II ." He was awarded with a letter of thanks from the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University for excellence in education, research work and social life of the university .

Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture 

ELENA Murasheva - 4th year student , an excellent student, student photojournalist at landscape ecological group " Ozelenitel ", supporter of the party " United Russia" , a member of the student union organization at the Stavropol State Agrarian University . Under her leadership participants of photo group actively took part in the creation of photo stories with university open days , public events , art festivals and competitions , sports competitions held in high school and beyond. For excellence in education, research work and social life of the university she was awarded by the medal " The glory and pride of the University ."

Faculty of Veterinary medicine 

Ekaterina Baranova – the 4th year student , an excellent student, head of faculty dance group , a member of the student union committee of the Stavropol State Agrarian University . Active participant and organizer of cultural events in the department. Repeated winner of university creative competitions "Young Talents ", " Student Spring" . Member of Stavropol city camp student activists " Student leaders - for hometown ! ". Member of the scientific and practical student conferences , author of scientific papers . Member of the International Summer School «AGROTECH - 2013 " " Agriculture, Biotechnology Management" (Krasnodar) . Member of the volunteer movement "For valeologicheskiy lifestyle ." For excellence in education, research work and social life of the university she was awarded by the medal " The glory and pride of the university ."

Faculty of Technology Management 

Nikolay Dorokhin - the 2nd year student , honors student, proforg of the course, participant of volunteer group " VLADA ". Under his leadership, it was held sporting event " Small Olympic Games ." Participated in actions " Green Spring - 2014" , " Maundy Thursday " in the city orphanage . Actively involved in research activities . For participation in the exhibition-contest "Innovation of the year - 2013 " (Stavropol ) project to develop products with functional directions was awarded by diploma . Member of the regional stage of the intellectual game " New farmers ", with the project " Quality Control Laboratory ." Member of the scientific-practical conference " Healthy food in modern life ." Member of the 18 th , 19 th and 21 th school student union activists . Winner of "Mr. exclusive" in the university competition , "Mr. University - 2013 ."

Faculty of socio- cultural services and tourism

Tatiana Medvedeva - the 1st year student , organizer and active participant in the cultural activities of the faculty and the university. As member of the University's Powerlifting Championships she won the Stavropol Powerlifting ( triathlon ) , also acted as a judge at V Summer Universiade of Ministry of Agriculture on Powerlifting . Diploma of open city festival of fitness. Winner of the contest "Young Talents - 2013 " , a participant of concerts dedicated to the New Year, Victory Day , St. Valentine's Day . Active organizer projects "Miss of faculty ", " Maslenitsa ".

Accounting and Finance Department 

DARIA Anokhina - the 4th year student, an excellent student, scholarship and nominal member of the Winter School Fund by Vladimir Potanin (2013). Diploma of III degree at All-Russian Contest of Youth Projects «The development of the South of Russia." Participant of Russian and international scientific conferences. For excellence in education, research work and social life of the university she was awarded by the medal "The glory and pride of the university."

Faculty of Economics 

ELENA KARAMALIEVA - the 2nd year student , student assistant dean for Academic Affairs at Faculty of Economics , member of educational committee of the course , the participant of student leader group " Mechta" , a volunteer , a member of the workers trade union of agriculture in the Russian Federation . Active participant in the career-oriented campaigns and receiving department. Organizer of creative and social activities in high school and beyond - " Autumn Ball of economists ", " Defender of the Fatherland Day ," " New Year ", " Maslennitsa ", " Big breakthrough ", etc. Diplomant of university competitions "Young Talents - 2012» and «Student Spring - 2013 ". The author of Scientific papers , member of scientific conferences . For outstanding achievements in studies , research work and social life of the university he was awarded by the medal " Pride and glory of the University ."

Faculty of Farm Mechanization 

Andrei Nazarenko - the 2nd year student , honors student, group leader , a member of the trade union committee of students at the Stavropol State Agrarian University , a member of the student theater pop miniatures , vocal studio " Joyce ", step- party group «Golden Foxes». Youth leader of SSAU . Organizer and active participant in a variety of sporting , artistic and cultural events at the faculty , university , city, region and beyond - "Day of Knowledge ", " Young Talents " role-playing game "Health - it is fashionable ", " Student Spring "," Tatyana's Day - not lazy to walk "," Maslennitsa" , a school student union activists " Youth leader of SSAU ", city and regional schools of leaders in Stavropol , in Kislovodsk , Interregional Scientific and practical Conference", «Student teams of North Caucasus " , school district leaders of staffs of student teams in the v. Elbrus . Member of student specialized units "Dream ", «Talk ", "Kolos" . For outstanding achievements in teaching, research and public activities in 2013 he was awarded by the medal " The glory and pride of the university"

Energy power Department 

KIRILL Falko - the 3rd year student , honors student, a student member of the scientific community of the faculty, an active participant in scientific conferences and forums. Winner of the Federal state program " UMNIK" and the winner of VIII All-Russian competition achievements of talented youth "National Pride of Russia" in the " scientific and technological creativity ." Party competition of youth projects of the North Caucasian Youth Forum " Mashuk - 2013 ", the winner of the regional stage of II intellectual game " New Farmer" .

Gold medal winner - VI International Biotechnology Exhibition-Fair " RosBioTech - 2012 » (Moscow ) , gold medal winner of the International Fund biotechnology " Innovative projects in the field of environmental biotechnology" (Moscow, 2012 ) , winner of the silver medal " Best innovative project and the best scientific and technical development of the year "(St. Petersburg, 2013 ) , winner of the silver medal" Best innovative project and the best scientific and technical development of the year "(St. Petersburg, 2014 ) . Author of 6 articles published in collections of scientific papers . 

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