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Teamsof club of the cheerful and sharp-witted " 45th Parallel " and " Young team of SSAU " are in the semifinals of the regional leagues !


On 2nd ofJune, 2014 at the Palace of Culture and Sports of Stavropol took game 1/4 finals of the regional league of CCS "Caucasus" . For the semi-finals 16 teams competed from three federal districts. Among them were two teams of Stavropol State Agrarian University : " The 45th Parallel " and " Young SSAU team ." In the jury , except for famous people of Stavropol , was invited Major League champion of the team of CCS "Maximum" (Tomsk) Resident of «Comedy club» Serge Gorely. Both teams were excellent and went to the semifinals of the league !Summing up , Serge Burnt noted originality of team " 45th Parallel" . 

Дата новости для фото:  03.06.2014
Номер новости для фото:  4

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