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"Strain testing Day - 2014"


On 3rd ofJune, 2014 in Stavropol State Agrarian University there was a seminar-workshop on the 90th anniversary of the formation of variety testing network in Russia . At the opening of the university 's Strain testing Day there were profit members of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Agricultural Policy Svetlana Maximova , a member of the Federation Council Committee on Agriculture, Food Policy and Environmental Evgeny Gromyko , Director of crop chemicals and plant protection Chekmaryov Peter , Deputy Prime Minister of Stavropol Territory NikolaiVelikdan , chairman of State strain committeeVitalyVoloschenko as well as representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory , the State Inspectorate for Variety Testing and protection of Plant Varieties of the Republic of Belarus, the Federal Office for the Protection of German varieties , variety testing service representatives branches , leading breeders of the country , seed companies , manufacturers of agricultural machinery and plant protection products , representatives of regional and municipal executive authorities and agricultural management .

Strain testing Day opened conference " 90 years of variety testing network in Russia : Status and Prospects ", where were presented reports by the Director of the Department of Plant , chemicals and plant protection Chekmaryov Peter ( "Role FGBI" State strain committee in breeding and seed crops ") , Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev ( "The Role of the Stavropol State Agrarian University training in crop in Russia" ) , director of Altai Research Institute Alex Garkusha( "Interaction selection center Altai Research Institute with the public variety trials ") , "State Inspection and testing of plant Variety Protection " Republic of Belarus Vladimir Beyene (" the interaction of strain-testing services of the Customs Union " ) , president of the Federal Bureau of plant Variety Germany Udo von Kreher , CEO OPH" Ray " Gregory Dontcov (" Communication with Seed strain testing committee the example of the Stavropol Territory "), president of the National Association of corn Growers and Seed corn Igor Lobach ( " The role of the state variety trials in improving economic efficiency of agricultural production ").

In his report, the rector of SSAU VladimirTrukhachev noted that " for the formation of the state strain testing network of Stavropol our university has made and continues to make a significant contribution to the development of human resources State Strain Committee : almost all heads of departments of the Stavropol branch of State Strain Committeeare graduates of our university. This was made possible thanks to the creation of a powerful modern research university base for training engineers, engineering specialties, personnel economics. We have kept all existing hospitals and experiences, where there is an ongoing study on the introduction of innovative energy- saving technologies , including No-till and precision farming . And our research and training aimed at improving regional system of conservation and reproduction of soil fertility, which is carried out using remote sensing and using innovative equipment. "

The high level of organization of work in SSAU Director of the Department of crop chemicals and plant protection of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Peter Chekmaryov : "We are in the best university in the country training for agriculture. And after visiting the departments of the university , I see that other universities have something to strive for . "

At the end of the conference was a presentation of departmental awards Russian Ministry of Agriculture , as well as awards FGBI " State Strain Committee " strain testers and organizations for their contributions in variety trials . In particular, departmental award awarded Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.06.2014
Номер новости для фото:  5

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