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Crime against humanity: Nuremberg process


On 3 June, 2014 members of the student's civil patriotic center "Patriot", students of Registration and financial faculty and teachers of Chair of philosophy and history the manager of the university museum assistant O. N. Shmatko, associate professor I. N. Kravchenko, the senior teacher E. V. Tufanov took part in exhibition opening "Neither prescription, nor oblivion, materials of the Nuremberg process". It took place in Stavropol state historical and cultural and natural and landscape memorial estate of G. N. Prozritelev and G. K. Prave. Action was organized by a patriotic platform of Stavropol regional office of the All-Russian political party "United Russia".

The presentation of an exhibition is especially actual in the light of recent acceptance of the law at the initiative of United Russia party establishing criminal liability for rehabilitation of Nazism and falsification of historical events of the Great Patriotic War, – told, opening an exhibition, the coordinator of a patriotic platform of party in Stavropol Krai, the member of the General council of "United Russia" Dmitry Shuvayev. – These stands – an illustration of to what the ideology of the Third Reich led. And today, when statements of some politicians for exclusiveness of the separate nations sound, return to the facts of the Nuremberg process is of particular importance".

Organizers noted that the purpose of an exhibition is to remind wide circle, and in particular youth, of decisions of the Nuremberg tribunal which has unconditionally condemned fascism and its crimes against the world and mankind. The exposition consists of more than 60 stands reflecting all stages of the Nuremberg process. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.06.2014
Номер новости для фото:  4

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