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The labor-union reported!


On 9 June, 2014 there took place report-back election labor-union conference of staff of the university. In its framework there was an adoption of the collective agreement between the employer and employees of federal public budgetary educational institution of higher education "Stavropol state agrarian university" for 2014-2017. From scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of employees of the university taking into account the approved rates of representation, 148 delegates were elected.

Participants of conference heard the report of the chairman of trade-union committee on the done work for 2009-2014, the report of control audit commission of the labor-union organization of staff of the university.

Also within conference passed elections of new structure of labor-union committee of employees of FSBEI HPE "Stavropol State Agrarian University" and members of control audit commission of the labor-union organization of staff of the university

Labor-union committee:

1. Horishko Pyotr Anatolyevich - professor of chair of physiology, surgery and obstetrics;

2. Golovin Nikolay Petrovich – the chairman of student's labor-union committee;

3. Maslova Lyubov Fiodorovna – the associate professor of labor protection and heating engineers and hydraulics;

4. Kozachenkov Victor Aleksandrovich – the associate professor of philosophy chair;

5. Tuturzhans Lyudmila Vasilyevna – the associate professor of chemistry and protection of plants chair;

6. Koychev Vladimir Sagidovich – the associate professor mobile power means chair;

7. Rastovarov Evgeny Ivanovich – the associate professor of sheep breeding, large and small animal husbandry chair;

8. Dyachenko Tatyana Leonidovna – the senior lecturer of chair of a physical education and sports;

9. Kusakina Olga Nikolaevna – professor of chair of the economic theory and applied economy;

10. Mantra Yulia Aleksandrovna – the associate professor of chair of ecology and landscape construction;

11. Romanenko Elena Semenovna – the head of chair, the associate professor of chair of chemistry and protection of plants.

12. Obnovlenskaya Marina Vasilyevna – the director of scientific library.

Structure of control audit commission:

1. Tokareva Galina Viktorovna - the associate professor of chair of the economic theory and applied economy economics department;

2. Tatarinova Maria Nikolaevna - the associate professor the accounting financial account chair;

3. Kulish Natalya Valentinovna – the associate professor of chair of the accounting financial accounting of registration and financial faculty. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.06.2014
Номер новости для фото:  1

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