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Congratulations of Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University on Day of Russia

Congratulations of Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University on Day of Russia

I congratulate you on the Day of Russia!

This is one of the newest national holidays of our country, which is directly connected with the historic choice of our people and it is a symbol of national unity and strengthening the foundations of the state of the Russian Federation. He acquired great importance as a holiday of unity for the prosperity of the people of his native country.

Over the years changed the social structure, economy and way of life. Most importantly, we got stronger as a country and as a nation. And our belief in the need of a free, democratic development and helps us renew our lives today, to build a modern and progressive society. Society, which should be attractive to work and creativity, comfortable for people to create a family and upbringing of new generations. Russia Day is a holiday which symbolizes our shared responsibility for the present and future of our country.

We are proud of our country. Each of us is a part on the future of our country - Russia - its fate is in our hands! The mighty power of love makes us strong and happy.

Once again, I congratulate you on the day. I wish you good health, peace and goodness in every home! Love your country and be proud that you can say - I am Russian!

Rector of Stavropol State
Agrarian University,
Corresponding Member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
Deputy of Duma of the Stavropol Territory,
Hero of Labor of Stavropol,
Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory                                                                                                              V.I . Trukhachev 

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