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Stavropol State Agrarian University announces about the selection of students for MBA program "Agribusiness"


Description of the program:

Mastering the latest knowledge, techniques and technologies of International agribusiness.

Study of International experience in the field of economics, management, marketing and logistics of agriculture.

Development of International knowledge in accounting and financial management.

Getting the basics of organization, development and financing of new businesses in agriculture.

The acquisition knowledge in the field of legal support of agribusiness.

Improving Business English.

Practice at the leading enterprises of Russia and Europe.

It is used the modern technologies of distance learning.

Training is conducted by Professors from leading European agricultural universities and research centers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, practitioners.

Term: 2 years (7 modules)

Price: 80 thousand rubles. / Year (in stages)

For Business English program is a separate contract. The cost depends on the level of the listener.

When developing an MBA program "Agribusiness" students enrolled parallel in Master course of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on "Management" at the expense of budget funds. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.07.2014
Номер новости для фото:  2

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