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Results of participation in the exhibition of scientific and technical creativity of youth


From 24 to 27 June in Moscow, at the Russian Exhibition Center an exhibition of scientific and technical creativity of youth passed. Its purpose - to support projects focused on scientific and technical activity with a view to further develop and promote the formation of innovation for the country's economy, as well as involvement in the research and development of school-age children and teen-agers. The team of 6 persons from the Stavropol State Agrarian University showed the following results:




Honors on conference

Honors on exibition

Electric Power

Igor Devederkin (post-graduate)

Professor Gennady Vladimirovch Nikitenko

Diploma of 2 degree, honorable mention

Grant «Priser» (30000 roubles)

Technological mamagement

Anna Putrina (student)

Professor Olga Vladimirovna Sycheva


Grant «Priser» (30000 roubles)

Veterinary medicine

Anastasia Miroshnikova (post-graduate)

Docent Ivan Valentinovich Kireev


Medal NTTM

Veterinary medicine

Екатерина Момотова (студентка)

Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Orobets


Medal NTTM

Electric Power

Кирилл Фалько (студент)

Docent Igor Nikolaevich Vorotnikiv

honorable mention

Medal NTTM

Agrobiology and land resourses

Екатерина Седых (аспирант)

Professor Aleksandr Nikolaevich Esaulko

Certificate, flash-memory


Дата новости для фото:  01.07.2014
Номер новости для фото:  3

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