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Russian meeting of training production teams


From 1 to July 4, 2014 in the Stavropol region the All-Russia meeting of training production teams was held. It was attended by over three hundred pupils from 15 regions of Russia.

They competed for victory in eight categories: young foreman, operator of machine milking, plowman, livestock, field crop, vegetable grower, gardener, florist. Winning the competition of professional skill allows admission to Agricultural University out of competition.

Movement of training production teams originated in the Stavropol region 60 years ago. During this period, it became a school of labor education, mutual support and friendship. This was said at the opening of a meeting which took place on the basis of SHP farm "Russia." Grand celebration began with a parade of training production teams.

Then honorable guests greeted the young guests: Chief Federal Inspector in the SK, plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President in the North Caucasus Federal District Sergei Ushakov, Deputy chairman of the Duma Victor Lozovoy, Rector of SSAU Vladimir Trukhachev, Head of Novoaleksandrovsky District administration Sergei Sagalaev.

Deputy of Prime Minister of the SK Irina Kuvaldina read a welcome address from the head of the region and wished success to the contestants.

- I'm sure you will soon be famous for the rest of Russia, - she said.

Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the field of education of children and youth RF Ministry Sophia Mozglyakova gave words of encouragement from the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov:

- Over 60 years of training production teams have proven that they have successfully addressed not only educational, but also many other problems in the area of ​​agricultural production. In most regions, they have become an integral part of the lives of the younger generation. It combines the work and creativity, there is a maturing of professional future farmers. Training production teams are working hard, and important in matters of personnel policy in the countryside. I wish for everybody the constructive work.

All stages of the competitions were held on the basis of agricultural enterprise "Russia." According to the results of theoretical and practical competition winners were:

- In the direction of "Young foreman": 1st place Irina Artemova (MBOU "Pokrovsky Lyceum" Abdulinsk region, Orenburg region, class 9); 2nd place Anton fibbers (MBOU "Ivanovo School" Stary urban district of Belgorod region, class 9); 3rd place Daria Erminskaya (MOU Kozmodemyanovskaya, Tambov School District, Amur Region, Class 11);

- In "Vegetable planter": 1st place - Eugene Androsova (MKOU school № 18 v. Demino, Shpakovsky district, Stavropol Territory, Class 11); 2nd place - Tatiana Ivleva (Branch school № 18 in the village, Terbuny Pokrovske of Lipetsk region, class 10); 3rd place Olga Ageeva (MBOU School with. Voznesenka Duvan district of Bashkortostan, class 11);

- In the direction "Breeder": 1st place - Victoria Sokolova (school № 1 Mihajlovsk Shpakovsky district, Stavropol Territory, Class 11); 2nd place - Angelina Ivanova (school № 4 Uva village of the Udmurt Republic, Class 11); 3rd place - Olga Kovaltsova (MOBY School village of Kosh-Elga Bizhbulyakskogo district of Bashkortostan, Class 9);

- In the direction of "Milking machine operator": 1st place - Natalia Yazikova (MBOU "School Day" Bijskogo Altai Region, Class 9); 2nd place - Denis Goncharov (Lyceum by Hero of Russia Vera Voloshinoya, Naro-Fominsk Moscow region, Class 8); 3rd place - Nikita Alexeev (MOU St.Michael School Sudislavskgo district of Kostroma region, class 11);

- In "Florist": 1st place - Nadezda Repina (MBOU Toguchin school № 3 of the Novosibirsk region, class 11); 2nd place Olesya Kopnina (MKOU school № 13. Shpakovsky, Stavropol Territory, Class 10); 3rd place - Anastasia Prozorova (DLC SD DOD "National Ecological and Biological Center" Udmurtia, class 11);

- In the direction of "Gardener": 1st place - Tatiana Muzalevskaya (BOU DOD GS "Orel young naturalists 'station' Orel region, grade 10); 2nd place - Alex Matveev (MBOU "Mushkovayskaya School" Uvinsky District, Udmurt Republic, Grade 11); 3rd - Artem Barnes (MBOU "Ivanovo School" Stary urban district of Belgorod region, class 11);

- In "Plowman": 1st place Yagibekov Rasul (MOU Kozmodemyanovskaya Tambov School District, Amur Region, Class 11); 2nd place Roman Kovtun (MKOU school № 16. Dubovka Shpakovsky district, Stavropol Territory, Class 10); 3rd place Alexey Ushakov (Sfax Lyceum named after Hero of Russia Vera Voloshin, Naro-Fominsk district, Moscow region, Class 10);

- In the direction of "agriculturist": 1st place Elena Tsygankova (MBOU "Ivanovo School" Stary urban district of Belgorod region, class 11); 2nd place Anna Sereda (MKOU "Karavaevskaya School" Kostroma region Kostroma region, class 9); 3rd place Alain Gordin (MKOU School with. Gordino Afanasjevo district of the Kirov region, Class 10). 

Дата новости для фото:  04.07.2014 00:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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