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Address of Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University to first-year students

Address of Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University to first-year students

Our dear first-year students!

You made one of the most important steps in your life – you entered Stavropol state agricultural university, one of the best agrarian higher education institutions of Russia.

Today you became part of our big family, members of many thousands collective, students of the best innovative higher education institution of Russia.

We, professors, teachers and the staff of the university, will make everything for you to open the potential and realize your goals. We hope that Stavropol state agrarian university will become your second house next years.

Stavropol state agricultural university is today a space of open opportunities in which there is a place for disclosure of potential of each student. It is the largest higher education institution of Russia, the center of basic and scientific researches, a smithy of highly qualified personnel. We take the leading positions among all higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, surely we keep the first place in a rating of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and we are awarded high federal and international awards. The university represents dynamically developing research community where the international innovations are interfaced to the best traditions of domestic education. SSAU – the two-time owner of an award of the government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality and twice the winner of the All-Russian competition "Higher Education Institution of a Healthy Lifestyle".

Receiving quality education is a persistent work, but there always will be skilled teachers ready to give necessary help. However everything depends on you, your diligence and creative search − be inquisitive, gain life experience which isn't less important, than knowledge, you aren't lazy, and you will achieve any goal in life.

Good luck! 

Rector of Stavropol State
Agrarian University,
Corresponding Member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
Deputy of Duma of the Stavropol Territory,
Hero of Labor of Stavropol,
Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory                                                                                                              V.I . Trukhachev 

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