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Stavropol state agrarian university meets first-year students


The beginning of academic year Stavropol state agrarian university celebrated parade of achievements. There were a procession of student's groups "Kolos", "Aybolit", "Mechta", "Masterok", "Ozelenitel", "Tolk" which are included into summary group of higher education institution "Landowner", parade of the latest agricultural machinery and pass of the children who have filled up a moneybox of scientific and sporting achievements of the university last academic year.

The main event of a holiday was a dedication ceremony of first-year students. This year more than two thousand graduates of schools made the choice for agrarian university and, having sustained serious competitive fight, entered SSAU. Today there are 18,5 thousand students in the higher education institution and it makes it to one of the biggest in North Caucasus federal district.

The children, who only have joined the ranks of students, accepted symbolical "Fire of knowledge" from undergraduates and said "Oath of the first-year student". And after the rector of the university, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Trukhachev handed over to first-year students a symbolical key from science and education temple, the student ID card and the record book.

Kind friends of the higher education institution came to congratulate students of agrarian university. The chief federal inspector of Stavropol Krai Sergey Ushakov addressed to first-year students: "You stepped today over a threshold of one of the best higher education institutions of the country, and I want to advise you from the first days to get acquainted closer with university history, with his graduates. And on the example of these people try to learn the relation to business, to study. I’m sure, you here will find friends".

"51 year ago I, as well as you, was on this square during a dedication ceremony. And precisely I know that here, at agrarian university, you will become even better. In this higher education institution, and for me it is the best higher education institution in the world, always bring up the real patriots, and here you join the most gold traditions of education", − the chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Yury Bely addressed to students.

"I in a special way treat those who came to agrarian university, to those who chose an agrarian profile. These are very courageous people and very mature citizens in 17 years because already tomorrow enhancement of glory of Stavropol Krai will depend on you as the All-Russian granary", − congratulated youth the rector of the North Caucasian federal university Alina Levitskaya.

Also the vice-chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai, the candidate of agricultural sciences, the graduate of faculty of veterinary medicine Victor Lozovoy, the first deputy head of administration of the city of Stavropol Alexander Nekristov, the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai, candidate of technical sciences, professor, the graduate of faculty of mechanization of agriculture Sergey Ridny came to a holiday, the First Deputy Minister of Education and youth policy of Stavropol Krai Natalya Lavrova, Victor Kovalyov operating IT the director of the North Caucasian bank JSC Sberbank of Russia, the director of the Stavropol research institute of animal husbandry and a forage production, the Dr. of biological sciences., professor, the graduate of zoo-engineering faculty Marina Selionova, the honored artist of the Russian Federation, honorable professor of Stavropol state agrarian university Alexander Rostov, the editor-in-chief of "The open newspaper" Lyudmila Leontyeva, the director of REN.TV Stavropol TV company Lyudmila Sokolova.

At the end of a ceremony the rector of the university Vladimir Trukhachev handed over check-books in one million rubles to students' scientific society, the center of esthetic education of students and sports club of the university. These funds will be allocated for support and development of student's activity.

Knowledge Day celebration will come to the end by an evening concert of creative staff of agrarian university at which the known singer Sergey Lazarev also will make a performance. In previous years students of agrarian university at the beginning of academic year were congratulated by Dmitry Koldun, the singer Maxim and CHELSEA group. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.09.2014
Номер новости для фото:  2

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