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At the forum "Seliger - 2014" visited students SSAU


This summer the students of the Agricultural University participated not only in the work of forums "Mashuk" and "Tauris", but also visited the tenth International Youth Forum "Seliger-2014", which was attended by more than 20 thousand young people from Russia and 143 countries worldwide.

The students of SSAU Alena Zinovieva (Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture), Victoria Korovushkina (Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism) and Irina Kirnozova (Faculty of Economics spent four weeks on the forum). Girls participated in all 26 changes, some of which, incidentally, are fully correspond to the areas of training at Stavropol State Agrarian University. The directions are "Economy", "Young environmentalists", "Design and Architecture", "Tourism", etc. .. But the students of the Agrarian University not only diligently engaged in lectures, but also as a part of the federal agency "Informpodderzhka" have been trained in the press Service of the chief youth Forum of the country.

The girls admit that they gained invaluable experience in the "field" of the journalist.

"Despite the fact that we do not get special education, but with such complex tasks as writing reports, interviews with stars, special make-up rooms we believe that coped well", - says Alain Zinoviev.

The work of the students of Agrarian University was noticed by the Federal Agency for Youth "Rosmolodezh", presenting them with letters of recommendation from the head of the agency Sergey Pospelov.  

Дата новости для фото:  26.08.2014
Номер новости для фото:  37

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