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Stavropol State Agrarian University is winner of the All-Russian contest "Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency" 2013


August 1, 2014 the All-Russian contest "Russian organization of high social efficiency"summed up which, is held annually by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

Stavropol State Agrarian University on the basis of 2013 was the winner and was awarded the highest award - the "Grand Prix" (Minutes № 1 of the meeting of the Organizing Committee for the All-Russian contest "Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency" August 1, 2014). We congratulate the staff and students with a well-deserved victory!

In 2013, the University participated in the competition prepared application in three categories: "For the development of social partnership organizations in the nonproduction sphere", "For development of human resources in the organizations in the nonproduction sphere" and "For the promotion of healthy lifestyles in the organizations of the non-production sphere" (the total number of competing nominations - 12). The University occupied the leading positions for all three categories.

In terms of competition, if the organization claims to be cashed in two or more categories, an organization the recognized as a winner of a contest (without specifying the category) and was awarded the "Grand Prix". By the end of 2013 the owners of the "Grand Prix", except for the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Gubkinskii gas processing plant – the branch of JSC "SiburTyumenGaz" (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District) and "Gazprom Transgaz Ufa", Republic of Bashkortostan, were also recognized.

The awarding of winners of the All-Russian contest "Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency" will be held in September,2014

The contest "Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency" helds annually since 2000. It goal is to draw public attention to the importance of addressing social issues in the organizations and to identify the best social projects, the creation of a positive image of the Russian social organizations.

We recall that for the first time Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the contest "Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency" in 2012, and its follow-up became the winner in two categories: "For the development of social partnership organizations in the nonproduction sphere" and "For the development of human resources in the organizations of the non-productive sphere. "

Detailed information on the results of the competition, competing nominations, organizations, prize-winners can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Russian Federation: http://www.rosmintrud.ru/labour/relationship/126 

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