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The new bibliographic index is published


In publishing house of Stavropol state agrarian university of "AGRUS" the bibliographic index "Igor Georgiyevich Minayev" made by the staff of scientific library is published and dated for the 75th anniversary since the birth of the scientist.

The index of works of Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor, full member of Academy of invention, the honorable worker of higher education of the Russian Federation, the honorable employee of agro-industrial complex of Russia Igor Geogiyevich Minayev is issued within the Bio-bibliography of Scientists series. The main stages of life, research and pedagogical activity of the scientist, the scientific and educational and methodical works, copyright certificates, patents, works, theses executed under his management are reflected in the edition.

Chronological coverage of the index – from 1965 to 2014. It is intended for scientists, graduate students, students, specialists of agrarian and industrial complex and already came to funds of libraries of agricultural higher education institutions of Russia.

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