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At the faculty of agrobiology and land resources there took place presentation of final degree works


On the basis of institute of additional professional education of Stavropol state agrarian university training for various spheres of agricultural production is successfully carried out. Among the students are heads of districts, large-scale enterprises, and ordinary agronomists. September 4, 2014 at the faculty of agrobiology and land resources there took place presentation of final degree works of extra-mural courses. The chief agronomist of SPK collective farm "Kazminsky" of the Kochubeevsky region of Stavropol Krai, one of the best farms of the South of Russia, Alexander Vasilyevich Ostrikov successfully defended his work on “Agronomics” . Thesis – "Responsiveness of hybrids of sugar beet on use of mineral fertilizers in the conditions of SPK collective farm"Kazminsky" of the Kochubeevsky area". Results of researches are recommended for introduction in production. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.09.2014
Номер новости для фото:  2

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