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450 first-year students have participated in the School of the Student Union


A record number of f the irst-year students participated in the XXII School of the Student Union “ SSAU Youth Leader - 2014". It was held on September 27-28, 2014

First of all, the participants were divided into twelve groups, and each of them has presented its name and motto at the Opening Ceremony. The theme of this School was "A Trip Around the World", so the young men and girls the rope contest went to conquer different countries. At various stations they not only became acquainted with the traditions of other countries, but overcame various challenges, which were aimed to unite them and make a real team.

Then next task for the teams was to present themselves in a best way at the Official Opening Ceemonyof the School. The rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev has attended the Ceremony. According to tradition, he gave the participants a sweet gift - a huge garland of candies.

Addressing to the students, Vladimir Ivanovich noted the importance of such activities, that allow students to meet each other and become closer: "Only when we are together, when we live by the same idea, when we work as one team any task become easier for us".

The School provides for the first-year students an opportunity to adapt to a new educational environment, to learn the history of the University, to express themselves, their talents, to make new friends and, of course, to acquire some new knowledge. During several days young men and girls acquainted each other, built a team and developed their leadership skills, attended some master-classes, psychological trainings, participated in creative competitions.

At the end of the first day of the School the game-training "Life Choice" was held , where the first-year students were introduced to the situation in which it was necessary to choose the exact answer, and this answer must be unanimous. The next day the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Northern Caucasus, City Rescue Team, leaders of the group “Dream" have held for the children series of master-classes on various topics such as “ Basics of Tourism", "Political Activity of the Youth", "Youth in Government", "Youth Initiatives", "Volunteering", "Your Rights", "Student union.com", "Selfpresentation", "Blogging", "Theory of Leadership and Creative Thinking, as well as many others.

“Harbor of talents" also was held at the School, where the children learned to sing, dance, write poetry, make jokes and create unusual collection. The representatives of the creative teams of the University have worked with the first-year students.

The second day of the School finished with a merry meal. Another Rector’s gift for the students was a wonderful barbecue.

The results of the XXII School will be announced on September, 29 on its official closing. There will be named its best participants, leaders and organizers. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.09.2014
Номер новости для фото:  4

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