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XXII Leaders’ School: results and winners


On the third day of the Students’ Union School the results were summed up and youth leaders got their awards.

Youth leaders of the XXII Students’ Union School became the following students: Maxim Vinokurov, Daria Selimkhanova and Tatiana Yurchenko from the Faculty of Social Cultural Service and Tourism, Oleg Kotelnikov from the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Dmitry Bondarev, Maxim Anoprienko and Maxim Korolevsky from the Faculty of Mechanization of Agriculture, Anastasia Kazubina and Vladimir Sosikov from the Economic Faculty, Vladislav Kozlitin from the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Sergey Pivovarov from the Faculty of Electricity, Anastasia Shimonovich from the Veterinary Medicine Faculty.

The best scoutmasters of the XXII Students’ Union School became Denis Gogolev from the Faculty of Social Cultural Service and Tourism, and Ekaterina Svetlichnaya from the Faculty of Accounting and Finance. Aliona Karamalieva from the Economic Faculty and Semyon Semyonov from the Faculty of Technological Management were admitted as best organizers.

“Students’ Union School provides another opportunity for already existing leaders to express themselves, their talents, make new friends and, of course, to acquire new knowledge. That is why such activity as “Youth Leader of the SSAU” is one of the most favorite among our students, and they always are happy to take part in it”, - summed up the Chairman of the Students’ Union of the University Nikolay Golovin.

Дата новости для фото:  30.09.2014
Номер новости для фото:  5

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