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Financial Literacy Week: meeting with specialists.

In the framework of the Financial Literacy Week some master classes, quizzes and meetings took part at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance. Thus, October, 2 2014 Financial Management and Banking Department held a meeting for the 2nd year students of direction "Economy" and teachers of the Faculty with the Alternate Manager of the Stavropol branch No. 5230 of the North-Caucasian Bank Z. D. Tikhomirova and Personnel Manager E.G. Bolotova. They told the students about the history of finance, tools for personal finance management, credit products of the Bank. They also spoke about the joint events of the Bank and the University plan implementation, which aims to identify and support gifted students in specialized educational institutions of the Region for forming the team of young employees for the Bank. According the plan, the Bank offers the University a set of joint activities: involvement of business projects, the creation of the innovative ideas laboratory, organization of training for the Bank’s young employees at the basis of the University for the post graduate program and more.

Дата новости для фото:  03.10.2014
Номер новости для фото:  3

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