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Cup of freshman: basketball tournament


Within Cup of freshman in SSAU the basketball event was held. It ended with the following results.

Among men:

- 1st place Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources;

- 2nd place - Faculty of Economics;

- 3rd place - Accounting and Finance Faculty;

- 4th place - Faculty of socio-cultural services and tourism;

- 5th place - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine;

- 6th place - Electric Power Faculty;

- 7th place - Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization;

- 8th place - Faculty of Technological Management.

Women’s streetball competitions:

- 1st place Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources;

- 2nd place - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine;

- 3rd place - Accounting and Finance Faculty;

- 4th place - Electric Power Faculty;

- 5th place - Faculty of socio-cultural services and tourism;

- 6th place - Faculty of Technological Management;

- 7th place - Faculty of Economics.

Дата новости для фото:  10.10.2014
Номер новости для фото:  8

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