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The dialogue on the prevention of terrorism took place in SSAU

On October 30, 2014, the Agricultural University students took part in a meeting with the Chief of Investigation Department of the Directorate of the MVD of Russia for the city of Stavropol, Colonel of Justice Yuri Krivokorovym, an investigator and organizational zonal group of SU UMVD of Russia for the city of Stavropol, Justice Major Julia Kochetkova. The meeting was devoted to the problem of terrorism. Guests told the students that extremism and terrorism is a serious threat to security and stable development of the Russian society. Extremism in modern Russia, as in other countries all over the world, has various manifestations, which have become a major social problem that negatively affects many important aspects of the development of the state. Lecturers answered numerous students’ questions. Meeting was very interesting and informative. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.10.2014
Номер новости для фото:  2

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