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Students of the Agrarian University celebrated the National Unity Day


On the November, 4 2014 the youth of SSAU participated in the city's celebrations in honor of the National Unity Day. Students actively manifested themselves during the Patriotic quest "We are the Children of the Great Peoples” as well as alternative sites, sporting events, and youth performance "One Anthem - One Country". Within its framework, more than 30 thousand young people from across the North Caucasus Federal District at the same time sang the Russian national anthem.

The Governor of the Stavropol Region Vladimir Vladimirov divided the festive atmosphere with the participants of the performance.

"National Unity Day is a celebration of Russian patriots. We all share the love for our land, our country, feel respect for its history, rich in great events. We are unite due to the symbols of Russia: its flag, emblem and anthem. That is why we are united and strong," said the head of the region, welcoming the participants. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.11.2014
Номер новости для фото:  5

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