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Jubilee rally KAMAZ finished in SSAU


October 31, 2014 on the territory of the Stavropol State Agrarian University finished the Jubilee rally dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the KAMAZ automobile plant and the 10th anniversary of the partner company "Shturman-CREDO+". New models drove 5 thousand kilometers in 10 cities of Russia: from Naberezhnye Chelny to Stavropol.

At the meeting, the Deputy Director General of "KAMAZ" Pavel l Kanichev was donated to the University a set of training materials. Dean of the Farm Mechanization Faculty, Anatoly Lebedev noted that there was a sense to continue further cooperation in the field of science in order to educate staff trained to work with new models of equipment.

The first association that comes to mind is an episode from Ilf and Petrov, when they described the rally. Even then, these activities were designed to provide people with new technology, " says the first Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Region Sergey Ridniy. Today this tradition is continuing. It is very important that the rally after a few cities in Russia, finises in Stavropol, at the Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.10.2014
Номер новости для фото:  6

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