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"As the song of Fatherland, I love the Caucasus!"


"How sweet song of my Fatherland, I love the Caucasus" - these wonderful words of the poet Mikhail Lermontov became the name of the President project, within frame from 5 to 7 November 2014 at the Stavropol State Agrarian University the informative-educational events devoted to the 200th anniversary of the birthday of the great poet hold. The presenters of lectures, concerts and creative meetings became chief editor of the anthology "Literary Stavropol ', novelist, poet, bard Vladimir Pavlovich Butenko and candidate of Historical sciences, lecturer of Stavropol regional organization of society" Knowledge " of Russian Viktor Stepanenko.

Students are plunged into an unforgettable atmosphere of Lermontov's poetry, remembered significant milestones of brief but very colorful life of the poet. Lermontov’s name forever entered the galaxy of great names of Russia's pride of Fatherland.

The celebration of the poet’s anniversary is not only the evidence of the grateful memory of descendants, but also an event in the cultural life of Russia.

Lermontov’ free spirit lives in the heart of every educated person. He covers us with love for the country, devotion to the higher ideals of honor, kindness and intelligence. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.11.2014
Номер новости для фото:  9

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