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The competition for scholarships from the company "Cargill"


The company "Cargill" together with the Faculty of Socio-cultural Service and Tourism of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Institute of International Education announces a new competition of 2014-2015 on a research scholarship from "Cargill."

The program is aimed at students of the first and second courses of a number of Russian universities and provides for the winners scholarships in the amount of $ 2,500 (annually for a period up to two years), and also provides a mentor among the leading experts of the company "Cargill".

To enter the contest you should fill in an application and attach a set of mandatory documents.

Candidates for the scholarships should meet the following criteria:

1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation

2. Training at one of the universities-partners of the Program:

a. Bryansk State Technical University

b. Voronezh State Agricultural University

c. Volgograd State Agricultural University

d. Don State Technical University

e. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology

f. Orel State Agrarian University

g. St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

h. St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine

i. Stavropol State Agrarian University

j. Tula State University

k. Kuban State University

l. Kuban State Technological University

m. Kuban State Agrarian University

n. Southern Federal University

3. To be a student of the first or second year

4. To have a high academic progress in studies

5. To possess a basic knowledge of English language

6. To possess an active lifestyle.

In 2015, ten Russian students will be selected to receive the scholarship.

You can fill in an online application form on the website: www.cargillglobalscholars.com. For questions, please fill in an application by e-mail to the program coordinator iyurova@iie.org

Documents are accepted until March 31, 2015! 

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