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The students were invited for a study course at the bank according to the results of the business game


November 14, 2014, the 4th year students of Accounting and Finance Faculty participated in a business game "Economic activity of credit institutions on registration of a credit transaction." The event was held under the guidance of Doctor of Economics, Professor J.M. Sklyarova, Ph.D., associate professor E.N. Lapina, Ph.D., senior lecturer S.Y. Shamrina within the framework of the celebration of the Day of the employees of Russia Savings Bank and the Day of World Quality.

During the game, the real situation was modeled on the provision of loans to the real sector of the economy by commercial banks. Experts believe that the simulation approach contributes to a holistic perception of the features of the credit process, the development of logical thinking, the development of business communication skills.

The employees of the strategic partners of the Stavropol State University were invited as the export, namely, the head of the Department of Agrarian Credit of the Stavropol Branch number 5230 Sergey Anisimov; the leading inspector of the Office of Personnel Elena G. Bolotov; the chief inspector of the Check Sector of borrowers-legal entitie of the Security Department of the North-Caucasian bank OAO "Sberbank of Russia" Anatoly Matveevich Khomukha the chief specialist in corporate lending business, a branch of OAO "Gazprombank" in Stavropol Elena Gluhovtsova; the head of the Department of Customer Service of Small Business of the Stavropol regional branch of "Agricultural Bank" P.E. Sokhan; as well as the head of the Department of Development and Implementation of Quality Management Systems of the Quality Control Center of the University of Education, O.N. Fedisko.

At the end of the game, students were invited for a study course at the leading banks in the region and for participation in the project of the North Caucasian Bank OAO "Sberbank of Russia", "Loan officer". 

Дата новости для фото:  14.11.2014
Номер новости для фото:  12

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