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To the best students – awards from the governor's hands


November 17, 2014 in the government of Stavropol Krai the ceremony of rewarding with grants of the governor of students of establishments of the higher and secondary professional education took place. Certificates were handed by the head of the region Vladimir Vladimirov and the Deputy Prime Minister of Stavropol Krai Irina Kuvaldina. 84 students were awarded and 9 of them study in Stavropol state agrarian university.

- Your main reference points are your mentors and teachers. They have to become for you an example of philanthropy, responsible relation to study and life. Let your teachers be always proud of you, let Stavropol Krai be proud of the daughters and sons, - Vladimir Vladimirov addressed to students.

The grant for students of higher education institutions makes 2000 thousand rubles. It is paid at the expense of means of the regional budget within academic year. All awarded students are excellent students, actively engaged in scientific and public work.

The regional youth prize "Award-2020" took place. It was received by 14 young people who won the international and All-Russian scientific competitions, conferences, festivals who made an essential contribution to public life of Stavropol Territory, cultural development and arts. Winners were elected among 73 applicants. Awards were handed by the Minister of Education and youth policy of SK Vasily Lyamin. Two graduate students are from Stavropol SAU.

Celebration of 9 winners of a regional stage of competition of the Russian national award "The Student of the Year — 2014" took place. 9 students were from higher education institutions of SK. The students from agrarian university made the real furor at this competition, from 9 figurines 6 got to our students. Now they will represent Stavropol Krai at the All-Russian stage of competition which will pass in Kazan in the next few days. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.11.2014
Номер новости для фото:  5

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