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Results of the 59th sports contest on table tennis


November 11-12, 2014 there took place the 59th sports contest of students, undergraduates and graduate students of SSAU.

Command results

I place – faculty of agrobiology and land resources;

II place – faculty of economics;

III place – faculty of technological management;

IV place – faculty of mechanization of agriculture;

V place – faculty of veterinary medicine;

VI place – registration and financial faculty;

VII place – faculty of service and tourism;

VIII place – electrical power faculty.

Personal results


I place – Tatyana Plaksina, faculty of agrobiology and land resources;

II place – Anna Bogdanova, faculty of economics;

III place – Christina Nikitenko, registration and financial faculty.

Young men:

I place – Alexander Desyatov, faculty of mechanization;

II place – Oleg Smolin, faculty of economics;

III place – Aslan Dzhegutanov, electrical power faculty. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.11.2014
Номер новости для фото:  7

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