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Victory in the International Vavilov Olympiad!


The team of Stavropol State Agrarian University - students of the faculty of agrobiology and land resources and that of ecology and landscape architecture Maxim Zhebrikov, Anna Debelaya and Vera Sheykina - won the International Vavilov Olympiad devoted to the 127th anniversary of the birth of N.I. Vavilov (Saratov) - I place in the team event and I place in photo contest "N.I. Vavilov’s Heritage"! Participants were 15 teams from different universities of the country and the near abroad.

The dean’s office, teaching staff and students’ council of the faculties heartily congratulate the students and wish further victories! 

Дата новости для фото:  24.11.2014
Номер новости для фото:  13

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