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Professional development in the framework of a presidential programme


On November 24, 2014 there was handing of certificates of advanced training and certificates of a training course on the program "Engineering and technological support for energy efficiency and resource conservation in agricultural production" implemented within the framework of the Presidential Program of engineering personnel training for 2012-2014. Training was carried out on the base and with organizational support of employees of the Institute of additional professional education of SSAU.

All thirty-nine students of the program are technical services specialists of ten agribusiness enterprises of Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Kalmykia. They work asare engineers and mechanical engineers.

To congratulate the students on handing the documents there came: first Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol region Sergey Ridnyi, Vice Rector for part-time and additional education of SSAU Olga Lisova, director of the Institute of additional professional education Roman Debelyi and program manager Alexander Orlyanskiy. They appealed to the audience with warm words of congratulations and wishes of success in future career.

Response speech was made by the Deputy Chairman of the collective farm named after Kirov Vladimir Vorotyntsev. He expressed his gratitude to the teaching staff and the organizers of the program and hope that the training program of the engineering staff will be implemented also in the coming year. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.11.2014
Номер новости для фото:  11

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