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The annual festival "Young Talents of SSAU - 2014"


In November 28, 2014 in the concert hall of the Stavropol Palace of Culture and Sports there was the annual gala concert of freshmen "Young Talents of SSAU - 2014".

Festival "Young Talents" - a chance to show yourself for any freshman of Agricultural University. At the scene of this year there were 600 freshmen, that is almost the half of those who entered this year SSAU.

Before the concert, the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev invited to the award ceremony Grand Prix holder of the All-Russian national contest "Student of the Year - 2014", a student of Accounting and Finance Faculty Catherine Voytysheva. Together with her there were the winners Stavropol competitions 'Student of the Year - 2014 ":" The Student Leader of the Year "Catherine Svetlichnaya (Accounting and Finance Faculty)," public men of the year "Alexey Martynov (Technology Management Faculty)," Discovery of the Year "Daria Bukacheva (Economics Faculty), "Intelligence of the Year" Sergey Avilov (Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization), "Sportsman of the Year" Ramadan Mirzoev (Economics Faculty).

Also at the festival was congratulating of the team of KVN of Agricultural University, who won the final of the Stavropol League.

And then under the applause of many first-year students of Stavropol State Agrarian University presented at the festival 40 items, each had a special idea, different kind of style and originality.

Different items were shown by the guests of the concert - participants of vocal and dance groups of senior courses of Stavropol State Agrarian University: show-ballet "stylish things" dance project "Territory", the vocal studio "Joyce" dance "Lucky Student", "Top of Style "," Golden Fox ".

At the end of gala concert there were surprises and gifts from the rector to first-year students. Vladimir Ivanovich once again congratulated the participants of the concert, noting that every participant will receive an additional scholarship, and faculty and the Center for aesthetic education of students - funds new costumes and implementation of new creative projects of talented youth. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  1

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