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Competition among erudites


At the faculty Socio-cultural service and tourism in SSAU was held the game "Erudite". It was organized by the 5th year student of the Economics faculty Oleg Smolin according to his project, which was among the best on All-Russian Forum"Mashuk - 2014" and is already being implemented for 3 months. Participants of the game have become the teams from the faculties of SSAU. The competition consisted of four stages: 1 - Brain-ring 2 – famous person of culture, 3 - Check IQ, 4 – Competition of captains. The winners were distributed as follows: I place – Electro-energy faculty, II place - Faculty of Technological Management, III place - united team of faculty Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture and the faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. Next year we plan to conduct a tournament "Erudite of SSAU" where everyone will be able to show off his knowledge.

Дата новости для фото:  08.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  2

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