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All-Russian Scientific Practical Conference


On the Accounting and Finance Department (Department of Economic Analysis and Audit), the All-Russian Scientific Practical Conference "Economic analysis and audit theory and practice" passed.

The plenary session was attended by students from the North Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Caucasus Peoples Friendship , a branch of Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science in Stavropol. From our University there were representatives of economic, accounting and financial and socio-cultural service and tourism faculties.

The reports of the 5th year students of the Faculty Accounting and Finance, SSAU S.Kuzminyh, T. Vaytsel, D. Alexeenko, V. Shelukhina; Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism L. Chomutova, as well as other educational institutions S. Belyaneny (SKFU), N. Zaitseva, V. Abramova, V. Zueva (branch of MSUPI in Stavropol), O. Lyashenko, N. Malai (IDNK in Stavropol) were marked during the conference. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  10

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