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Dear teachers, employees and students!


We invite you to the days of information that will be held on 15, 16 and 17 of December in the research library of the Stavropol State Agrarian University! For your attention will be presented exhibitions of educational, scientific and periodicals received by the library in 2014, both in print and in electronic format. You will get acquainted with the new resource - EBS «Znanium.com», on the platform which presents educational and scientific literature of publishing house "Infra-M" on economic, socio-political, technical, agricultural and other areas. For resource subscribers there is a possibility of intelligent search and analysis of scientific publications. You can get individual advice on book providing discipline, work with full-text and abstract databases, ability to work with the resources of «Open Access» of world’s leading publishers and other interesting for you questions.

We are waiting for you in the Media Center (aud.86, main building), and in the library at veterinary clinics from 8.30 to 17.00. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  6

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