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Participants of All-Russian competition "Miss Student 2014" gathered in SSAU


On December 11 in the Stavropol State Agrarian University it held a talk show with the participants of the final VIII All-Russian competition of beauty and creativity "Miss Student of Russia - 2014". At the round table participants of the contest shared their views on the themes of patriotism and love for the Motherland. The theme of the meeting is due to the fact that this year the competition is held under the motto "My Russia".

The participants of the talk show were welcomed by the Deputy of Prime Minister of the Stavropol Territory Irina Kuvaldina: "We have chosen for this first events the Stavropol State Agrarian University because it has a glorious tradition, and the most importantly that in this University all the students are in care and love. The spirit that reigns in this University, this is the spirit of success - a successful University, successful Rector, successful students. And so each of you we give a little bit of success. Let it be with you, and it really will help you. "

The Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev told the contestants that first contest "Miss student" was held in our University, and then other higher education institutions began to adopt such experience. In future, the idea of beauty and grace competition among the students was realized and at a national level. Warmly welcoming the participants, Vladimir Ivanovich said the wishes: "You are already winners, you are the most-and I wish you all a victory, many smiles, creativity and love. Love for closed people, for the country, because who has love, she is invincible! Always aim for impossible, and then get the most! ".

And the first vice- Mrs. of Russia Irina Shatskaya came to the meeting with the girls: "I want to see in our country very many beautiful, talented, charming moms. You will find its continuation in their children who will look as enchanted at their beautiful moms. And I want to wish you through the years acquire wisdom to preserve your beauty, because it is a great gift. And you all know that this is a burden that is heavier than for a normal woman, because you are presented other requirements. "

After that participants began to discuss the main themes of the meeting: what is for them patriotism, how can you show it, and what can young people do for the development of the Russian economy.

Contestants say they see patriotism in desire to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the country that patriotism is not necessary to prove, this is a feeling that everyone has from the early beginning.

A participant from Sevastopol Natalia Tarasenko shared her vision: "This spring, I understood in a new way what patriotism is. It was especially evident On May 9, when old and young people alike praised Russia, when I saw that even the youngest children are proud to carry the flag, shouting: "Russia, Russia". And for me, patriotism - it is also when your Homeland creates in you a sense of hope and belief that a bright future will come, and your country will never give you up. "

Stavropol region in the competition was presented by the student of Accounting and Finance Department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Anastasia Kaljuzhnaja. She marked in her speech that "at the first place, if we want to live in the country with strong economy, we must be prepared for the fact that it will not happen quickly, and that it needs to do a lot of work. It is unable to become an economic leader at the moment even through great sacrifice. But we must be prepared to work hard. And to work intelligently directing efforts not in the commodity sector, and to the production, science, technology and innovation. "

At the end of the meeting, Deputy of Prime Minister of the Stavropol Territory Irina Kuvaldina shared her views on how you can still show your patriotism, "" I want that your sense of patriotism begins with the family, the one you live in now, in the one that you will create. Everything that would have been in our complex world, in economy, international situation, our women showed their patriotism that gave birth to children; we created the future of our country. So I beg you: make sure that our country will be prospered -give birth for babies and raise them the same as you - smart and beautiful. "

The first Vice-Miss Student of Russia 2013 Julia Eremchenko finally wished for the contestants: "After the competition, when you return to your town, do not forget today's talk, let the words are not just words, let them grow into action. So do it. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  8

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