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The Governor of the Stavropol Region held a press conference at the Agrarian University


On December 17, the Governor of Stavropol Region Vladimir Vladimirov met the journalists to discuss the results of the year, to answer the questions and talk about plans for next year. For the second time the head of the region chooses the Stavropol State Agrarian University as the place for meeting with the press. Press conference on the results of the first hundred days of governorship Vladimir Vladimirov also held in SSAU.

90 journalists from 40regional media gathered in the conference hall. Journalists were primarily interested in economic questions: what does stress scenario of the regional budget for 2015 contain and what budget articles will be reduced first. Vladimir Vladimirov said that the budget changes will not affect public sector wages and social benefits, but from the first of January admission to the structure of the Stavropol Region government will be stopped, the cost of its maintenance will be reduced. Road Fund and the investment programs will be reduced as well, but all started projects will be implemented. Total savings can reach up to 4 billion rubles.

One of the most important issues on the agenda was the substitution. Here the Governor was categorical: "No one previously announced programs will not be reduced. The overall growth of agricultural support will be 15% and this is without money from the Federal budget. For each of supported areas growth may consist from 20 to 50 percent. And we will do all the possible that every ruble invested by the Region came at least five roubles from the budget of the country."

Then the conversation went on the implementation of investment projects, tax break and measures to support small and medium businesses, the Institute of Plenipotentiary mission, perspectives of the perinatal center building and sports facilities development. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  4

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