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Young entrepreneurs around the region will gather in SSAU


Regional youth forum "You are an entrepreneur" will be held on December 19, 2014 at Stavropol State Agrarian University. It will bring together high school students, students of higher and secondary professional educational institutions, tended to create their own business and young businessmen of the region.

The forum will organize some discussion floors, workshops, trainings that will represent of the business community, teachers of higher educational institutions of the region. Throughout the day Centre of business advice for young entrepreneurs will work. The participants will have the opportunity to discuss with the experts of the Innovative-technological business center of Stavropol Region the issues of taxation, state support of small business, lending activity, investor relations, peculiarities of accounting, business planning and legal protection.

The forum, which will be held in Stavropol State Agrarian University, will complete the complex of events , aimed at promoting the youth entrepreneurship development. They were conducted by the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the region in the framework of realization of the Federal program "You are an entrepreneur".    

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