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Catherine Vojtisheva is the winner again!

The ceremony of awarding the winners of the International award "Student of the year - 2014" took part in Moscow, held by the company "Universum" with the aim to encourage students of higher professional education and stimulate them for further activity. The Award's leading employers of Russia ("Mars", "British American", "Tobaccouse", KPMG, "PepsiCo", "Bank of Moscow") has established their nominations for the participants. Over 500 applications were received from Moscow, St. Petersburg and regions of Russia.

5th year student of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Catherine Vojtisheva won in the nomination "the Most Active Student of the Year". The nomination was announced by the company "Mars". She received a year's supply of chocolate products, the certificate on an excursion to one of the factories of the company, as well as an opportunity to go short selection for practical training.

The company "Mars" is one of the twenty best employers of Russia. It invests in the professional development of employees, creating an environment where everyone can express themselves and achieve more.

Дата новости для фото:  19.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  5

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