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FabLab «Vector» presented his work at national conference


The team FabLab «Vector» took part in the II National Conference of the open digital laboratories in Russia which held from 15 to 17 December in St. Petersburg.

The conference brought together more than 30 representatives fablabov centers of Youth Innovation Creativity (TSMIT) from all the country: from Stavropol, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Kazan, Sibaya, Penza, Yekaterinburg, Belgorod, Obninsk, Ufa, Tomsk, Saratov, Vologda, St. Petersburg, Moscow and the Moscow region. Stavropol delegation was the largest - 5 people.

On December 15 an excursion was to the newly opened Fablab TVN, in which the participants were in the Engineering Museum. Also, the delegation visited the factory "Lenpoligrafmash" producing assembly of 3D-printers - a project that was Created in the club «3D-mechanics" Fablaba Polytech.

On December 16 the conference attended VIP-guests - IR Agamirzyan, CEO and Chairman of the Russian Venture Company. He shared his experience in the design and retrofit CNC machine tools, as well as the vision of developing a network of digital manufacturing in Russia, as certain engineering community.

Last day of the conference the nation-wide competition for engineering students-winners of the online course "Engineering" and winners Petersburg engineering competition was held. Also, the participants were able to communicate via video with Sherry Lassiter (Sherry Lassiter) - head of Fab Foundation (USA, Massachusetts University of Technology (MIT)).

The conference discussed the organization fablabov / TsMITov; interaction with schools and the introduction of school educational programs; experience in the commercialization of a laboratory and a CNC machine tools in the laboratory, as well as plans to expand the network of digital production; community building laboratories to create an association.

During the workshops the participants have mastered the creation of new projects on the equipment of digital productions.

Partners conference in St. Petersburg were following organizations:

· Living Machines (studio producing engineering projects);

· Fablab TVN

· Lenpoligrafmash.

Following the conference, the team FabLab «Vector» became the curator of the Russian IT-direction movement fablabov and crafted by our team of portal www.fabnews.ru approved as the base nationwide web-based resource for dialogue and communication between fablabami. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  3

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