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The regional stage of the intellectual game "New Farmer" passed


December 22, 2014, on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University the third regional stage of the intellectual game "New Farmer" among undergraduate and graduate students of the university and graduate students of secondary specialized schools was held.

11 teams took part in the game whose projects are promising areas of farms. So the authors proposed the creation of an eco-farm for the cultivation of pollution-free green vegetables, quail and sheep breeding farms, breeding nutria and organize commodity and recreational fisheries, as well as many other original ideas.

Competition Commission assessed the projects of members of the regional stage in the following areas: presentation of a business idea, a duel, prompt response to questions from the competition committee, videos.

The first place was taken by two teams: the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources with the idea of building and running a greenhouse for growing organic vegetables, as well as the team of Accounting and Finance Faculty with the project business of producing quail products. Two teams also took the second place: the Faculty of Technological Management that is about to open a peasant farm "New Beijing duck" and a team of the Faculty of Economics with the project “Quail farm” project. The third place went to the team of the Faculty of Technological Management with the project of "Establishment of commercial fish farming and amateur fishing ".

Each participant was awarded by a commemorative diploma from the Stavropol regional branch of the All-Russian youth public organization "Russian Union of Rural Youth" and a valuable gift.

The winners of the regional stage of the game "New Farmer" have the opportunity to participate in the federal stage, which will take place in the spring of 2015 in Moscow.

The intellectual game "New Farmer" is initiated by the All-Russian youth public organization "Russian Union of Rural Youth" with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and are held among students of agricultural universities in Russia. The main objective of the game is to develop students' skills in business planning in agriculture, management, economics and management of agricultural organizations, collecting and analyzing information, making management decisions and the ability to work in a team. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  6

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