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The sport news of powerlifting


The results of competitions in powerlifting at the 59th open Universiade SSAU students.

Girls in the standings

47 kg - Lily Eminova (Department of Technological Management);

57 kg - Tatiana Medvedev - the absolute champion (Department of Socio-cultural Service and Tourism);

63 kg - Catherine Danko (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources);

72 kg - Catherine Miroshnikov (Accounting and Finance Faculty);

84 kg - Julia Kravchenko (Faculty of Economics).

Boys in the standings

66 kg - Vigen Marutian (Faculty of Electric Power);

74 kg - Yuri Popov (Department of Technoloical Management);

83 kg - Andrei Pavlenko - absolute champion, world-class athlete (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources);

93 kg - Nikolay Korshunov, Master of Sports of the Russian Federation (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources);

105 kg - Pavel Aristov (Faculty of Farm Mechanization);

120 kg - Pracha Dmitry (Faculty of Economics);

120 kg - Eugene Pasenco (Faculty of Electric Power).

In the team events, the places were distributed as follows:

1st place - Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources;

2nd place - Faculty of Electric Power;

3rd place - Faculty of Technological Management;

4th place - Accounting and Finance Faculty;

5th place - Faculty of Farm Mechanization;

6th place - Faculty of Economics;

7th place - Faculty of Socio-cultural Service and Tourism;

8 place - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

The coach is Nina Vyacheslavovna Muhortova. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  2

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