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Retooling laboratory automation systems for commercial electric power accounting


Closed Joint Stock Company "Concern" Energomera" carried out retooling laboratory of automated systems of commercial electricity metering (AMR) Electropower Faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University. The total project cost is more than 500 thousand rubles. This laboratory was created by the concern in 2005 at the Department of Automation, Electronics and Metrology. It allows to acquaint students with the latest technology and electricity meters, which increases the quality of students.

As a result of retooling, new workstations for students were founded, updated material basis of samples of instruments and systems of electric energy accounting was renovated. As a part of a specialized project «SMART METERING» the latest of smart metering and other electrical parameters were installed. Assistant professor of Automation, Electronics and Metrology Department E.I. Papantseva and assistant E.N. Golubnitskaya took an active part in this project.

It should be added that Stavropol State Agrarian University ties fruitful cooperation with "Concern" Energomera " – a diversified industrial company that manages a dynamically developing company, being a leader in traditional and high-tech sectors of the market in Russia and in the world. It is difficult to overestimate the active participation of employees in training programs in areas of training "Power and Electrical Engineering", "Agroengineering", in carrying out the practice in the manufacturing sector and classrooms. SSAU graduates work in various regions of the country, major cities, and the university only gets good reviews about them. It is a great merit of JSC "Concern" Energomera ". 

Дата новости для фото:  26.12.2014
Номер новости для фото:  4

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