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The competition for the title of the best students of Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine best"


The results of the competition for the title of the best students of Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine best", December.

"Nine best" - a competition to identify the best students who have shown outstanding results in learning, research, social, cultural, artistic, sport life of the university. When assessing the contestants are recorded outstanding achievements in the development of programs of higher education, progress in scientific research, the results of extracurricular activities.

The best students in December 2014 are:

Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources

ANGELINA ANISIMOVA – 2nd year student, excellent student, the head student of the course. The winner of the regional gathering of student production teams from the Department of Agrobiology and land resources at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin June 18, 2014. Member of the student team "Zabota", which is a patron of children's home № 12 named after Zatsepin, children's shelter "Rosinka" in Stavropol, correcting school number 14 village Konstantinovskoye Petrovsky district, "Mechta". Participant in various creative and cultural events at the Faculty and the University: Open Day, field campaign programs, parent-teacher conferences. Author of scientific articles.

Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture

Ruslan GASAYNIEV – 3rd year student, excellent student, the head student of the course. Actively involved in learning, research social activities of the university. Member of the North Caucasus Forum "Mashuk-2014" Student Forum "Caspian-2014". Member of student team "Zabota".

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

RAISA IGNATIEVA – 4th year student, excellent student. She takes an active part in the social life of the university: CRM is the chairman of the course, an assistant in the "Scientific and veterinary diagnostic and treatment center." Member of the Trade Union of Workers of agriculture, member of the student specialized unit, takes an active part in scientific conferences, has two scientific articles.

Faculty of Technological Management

SVETLANA IZMAILOVA – 2nd year student, excellent student, student member of the Committee on the quality of education of the university, executive secretary of the Commission on the quality of a student of the Faculty of Technological Management, a member of the scholarship committee of faculty, an active member of the volunteer group "VLADA" and a member of the SSS. Participant in various social and cultural events at the Faculty and the University: Open Day, environmental actions.

Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism

ELENA KHOROSHILOVA – 4th year student, excellent student, student curator 2nd year 2 groups received numerous letters of appreciation for active participation in creative activities, social life faculty member university vocal competitions, the author of scientific articles, research work and social life of the university, awarded the medal "the pride and glory of the University."

Faculty of Accounting and Finance

OKSANA SKOVORODKINA – 4th year student, excellent student. The captain of the winning team of the regional stage of the business game "New Farmer", winner of the All-Russian contest "Development of agriculture of the South of Russia", the winner of the All-Russian student competition MSEF, a member of student conferences SSAU, winner of coursework, the author of 21 scientific articles, awarded excellent reviews from a place of passage manufacturing practices of "Signal" and OJSC "Sberbank".

Faculty of Economics

DARIA BUKACHEVA – 2nd year student, excellent student. The winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian national prize "Student of the Year", named fellow of the head of administration of the city of Stavropol. Daria is the author of scientific articles, participated in scientific conferences, organizer and active participant in various sporting, artistic and cultural events at the faculty and the university, in city and region, the student specialized group "Mechta", repeated winner and the winner of city, regional and Russian competitions in dancing, the winner of the contest "Student Spring - 2014" in a team «LuckyStudents».

Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization

CONSTANTINE MATSUKATOV – 4th year student, excellent students. Scholar of the President of the Russian Federation 2013-2014. Scholar of the Russian Government 2014-2015. A member of the trade union committee of students of SSAU. An active participant in the creative life of the faculty and the university. The winner of the urban student "Marathon of Friendship" in 2013. Member of 17, 19 and 21 'School of SSAU activists."Organizer of the contests "Young Talents 2012", "Young Talents 2013", "Young Talents 2014". Holds the honorary title of "pride and glory" of Stavropol State Agrarian University for "outstanding achievements in the educational activity" in 2013.

Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture

ANNA SHUNINA – 3rd year student, excellent student, a member of the Union Bureau, the head student of the course. Participant of the competitions: "Young Talents", "Student Spring", "Defender of the Fatherland Day"; systematically participated in the meeting devoted to the Victory Day, Independence Day and so on. Author of scientific articles published in "Modern high technologies", Physics Olympiad, winner of the university student competition on descriptive geometry. Awarded diplomas and certificates for participating in student scientific and practical conference "Physics: Science, Creativity", "Chemistry in my specialty", "Young farmers of Stavropol Krai," "Energy of the Future", awarded the medal "the pride and glory of the University."

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