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Congratulations with Russian Students Day from the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev


Ректор СтГАУDear students of Stavropol State Agrarian University!

I congratulate you with the most wonderful holiday of youth, a holiday for everyone who keeps in his heart a thirst for knowledge and discovery - the Day of Russian students, with fine St. Tatiana Day!

Students - an unforgettable period in my life, a great time of youth and optimism, love and friendship, youthful energy, creative starts and bold plans! And it's time for serious, thoughtful intellectual work that each of you will have during the period of study at the university.

In fact, the student time - it is a decisive step towards future, especially temporary gates, passing through which people not only acquire knowledge, but also become wiser and more meaningful.

I wish every student: Be open to everything new and interesting, to invent, develop, understand! Let this tendency will not disappear through the years, and inexhaustible energy will be focused on getting strong knowledge and practical experience.

Remember, these are you, the students, will continue the glorious traditions of the older generations, build the future of Russia. Each of you should already feel a sense of ownership to the fate of our great country and responsible for the Fatherland. And about difficulties : they exist in order to overcome them and become stronger and wiser.

I wish you good health, prosperity, patience and perseverance, vivid impressions, creative achievements, success always and everywhere!

Let Saint Tatiana, the protector of students help you in all your beginnings!

Rector of the Stavropol State

Agrarian University,

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor,

Duma deputy of the Stavropol Territory,

Hero of Labor of Stavropol,

Honorary citizen of Stavropol region                                                                                     V.I.Trukhachev                                                                                                                  

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