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Qualifying round of competition among young scientists of SSAU took place


The competitive selection of candidates for grants and awards of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of science and innovation for young scientists took place in accordance with the approved schedule, the regulations "On the grant of Stavropol State Agrarian University" and "On the procedure of competition for the award of Stavropol State Agrarian University". Awards are made to stimulate research activity of young scientists and specialists of the university, improve the social status of the laureates and their tutors and are the highest recognition of achievements.

Participants were representatives of all faculties and the department of pedagogical process management. The jury considered 24 innovative projects. Winners will be announced on February 4, 2015 at the International scientific and practical conference "Young Talents of the North Caucasian Federal District for agriculture of the region and Russia". 

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