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Regional stage of Olympiad in Economics in Stavropol State Agrarian University


On January 31, 2015 in Stavropol State Agrarian University the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in economics started. 89 schoolchildren from 7 cities and 17 municipalities of Stavropol Territory take part. Of these, 24 are students of the 9th form, 35 - of the 10th and 30 - 11th.

At the opening of the Olympiad the participants were welcomed by the Vice Rector for academic and educational work of SSAU I.V. Atanov and chief specialist of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of Stavropol Territory N.I. Lyubenko.

The works will be assessed by the jury chaired by the Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, professor of the department of accounting and management E.I. Kostyukova. The jury members are also Dean of Faculty of Economics, Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Applied Economics O.N. Kusakina, Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Auditing M.G. Leshcheva, Acting Head of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics A.N. Gerasimov, Associate Professor of the department of Economic Theory and Applied Economics I.I. Ryazantsev, Associate professor of the department of Economic Theory and World Economy of the North Caucasian Federal University O.V. Pankratova. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.01.2015
Номер новости для фото:  1

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