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V international scientific-practical conference took place in SSAU


 On February, 5 2015 V international scientific-practical conference "Agrarian science, creativity and growth." was held at the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Traditionally, faculties of Accounting and Finance, Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture took part in it. The event was opened by the guest of the conference, director of the North Caucasus Research Institute of Economic and Social Problems of the Southern Federal District, academician of SAS HE, RSSF expert, honored scientist of the Russian Federation Victor Ovchinnikov. He spoke about the formation of the scientific knowledge of the students. Other speakers were: professor of Management Accounting department Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev with the report "Prospects of development of accounting in terms of economic crisis”; assistant professor of Statistics and Econometrics department Maxim Gennadievich Barsukov with the report “Electronic government as a part of the state program "Information society 2011-2020"; 2 year postgraduate student Yuri Koblov with the report "GIS analysis and spread modeling of new malicious diseases of winter wheat at agro-climatic conditions of the Stavropol territory"; 4 year students Sergey Krivosheev, Igor Chernenko and 5 year student Alyona Gurueva with the report "Greenhouses construction for growing ecologically clean greens" and many others.

Organization of joint conferences gives positive results and university will continue this practice.

Дата новости для фото:  06.02.2015
Номер новости для фото:  6

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