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The competition for the title of the best students in Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine best"


Here are the results of the competition for the title of the best students of Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine best" in January.

"Nine best" - a competition to identify the best students who have shown outstanding performance in research, social, cultural, artistic, sporting life of the university. When assessing the contestants we took into account special achievements in the development of programs of higher education, in research, extracurricular activities.

The best students in January 2015:

Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources

ELLYNA HANYAN – 5-year student, excellent student, a member of the party "United Russia", winner of the Prize for talented youth of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, winner of the International Festival of Children's and youth creativity "Crystal Ball", interregional festival-competition of patriotic song "Soldier envelope", a regional festival song contest "Retro Hit", the regional contest "Student Spring" in the nomination "Pop Vocal "and others, an active participant in various artistic and cultural events at the Faculty and the University: open Day, donor Day, Day of Older Persons, field campaign vocational guidance programs, charity events, graduation and anniversary concerts, conferences, parent meetings. She is an author of scientific articles, awarded the medal "the pride and glory of the University."

Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture

ILYA KAZAKOV – 3rd year student, candidate for master of sports of basketball, a member of the university's basketball team, sports organizer of faculty, graduated school of Olympic reserve. Multiple winner and prize-winner of the All-Russian, regional, provincial competition in the national team of the University - 1st place in the zonal competition among agricultural universities of the North Caucasus Federal District, 1st place in the regional championship, 1st place in the championship of Student Basketball Association of the North Caucasus federal District, first place in the championship of Student Basketball Association of the Southern Federal District, for sporting achievements got the medal "the pride and glory of the University."

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

VLADIMIR NIKULIN – 3rd year student, excellent students, the elder of the course, the chairman of educational committee of the course, member of the veterinary student group "Aibolit", took 1st place in the All-Russian competition of students of specialized units of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in 2014. Member of the North Caucasian Youth Forum "Mashuk - 2014", Student Youth Forum "Caspian - 2014", the camp of the student government of the North Caucasus Federal District "Vector". The representative of the student combined detachment SSAU "Landowner" at the eighth All-Russian rally student teams of the Ministry of Agriculture (Perm), volunteer at "Sochi - 2014". Member of the regional rally dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War., an active participant in scientific and practical student conferences, cultural events and regional university.

Faculty of Technological Management

OKSANA PLETNEVA – 2nd year student, group leader, excellent student, is responsible for research activities, an active organizer and participant in various creative and cultural events at the Faculty and the University, author of scientific articles, a member of the volunteer student group "Vlada", active participant of environmental actions, volunteer. A participant of the regional sports festival "For healthy Stavropol!". The winner of the competition for the best student work in the field of information technology, "Application of simulation modeling to assess the quality of feed storage operation" 2014.

Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism

EKATERINA SELEZNEVA – 2nd year student, the student's chairman of the board of the faculty, a member of the Student Scientific Society, member of student scientific and practical conferences, deputy dean for student career-oriented work of the faculty. Active organizer of various artistic and cultural events in high school: "Wide Pancake", "Valentine's Day", "May 9", "Day of the Defender of the Fatherland." Winner of the contest "Young Talents - 2013" and "Student Spring - 2014".

Accounting and Finance Department

ALEXANDER SIDORENKO – 4th year student, excellent student, volunteer, active participant of national and international scientific and practical conferences and competitions in the field of economics. Ye is the representative of SSAU in the "What? Where? When? " on the knowledge of 1C, carried out in the framework of the" Day 1C: Career." The author of 12 scientific articles on economics, including the articles included in base RISC. Multiple winner of competitions of coursework. An active participant in patriotic and musical creativity.

Faculty of Economics

RAMAZON MIRZOEV – 4th year student, excellent training, team member of SSAU mini-football since 2011, organizer and active participant in various sporting, artistic and cultural events at the faculty, the university, the city. The winner of the regional stage of the competition for the Russian national prize "Student of the Year - 2014" in nomination "Sportsman of the Year - 2014", finalist of the Russian national prize "Student of the Year - 2014" in nomination "Sportsman of the Year - 2014" (Kazan). Multiple winner of competitions at various levels of the national team of the University of mini-football - championship of Stavropol 2013; 3rd place in competitions on mini-football among the winning team championships of cities, republics, territories and regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District, as well as the Champions Cup SFD / NCFD 2013 (Rostov-on-Don); 1st place in physical culture and sports festival among the universities of the Stavropol Territory 2013; 3rd place in the Champions League of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasian Federal District in 2014 (Rostov-on-Don).

Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization

DMITRY GRABELNIKOV – 4th year student, a member of the trade union committee of students SSAU, executive secretary of the Commission on the quality of a student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. Ye is a holder of a diploma for participation in the contest "The best innovative project and best scientific and technical development of the year" at the St. Petersburg Technical Fair "Methods of production of highly compression springs.", has a certificate of the Association of Lawyers of Russia "Housing Observer", member of the delegation of Stavropol Territory of the educational program of the North Caucasian Youth Forum "Mashuk - 2013", the prize-winner of the regional stage of intellectual games (author of the business plan "Breeding black nutria"), active organizer and participant in various sporting, artistic and cultural events in high school and beyond: "School asset", "Young Talents", "Day of Knowledge", "Student Spring", "Mashuk", "Carnival", "Christmas in every home"," student specialized unit "Kolos", participated in exhibitions: "Agrosalon - 2014", "Harvest Day", "Small and medium business in baking, flour and confectionery industry." Ye is an author and co-author of three scientific articles. For the active, creative and social life he was a member of the delegation of the University for the Olympic Games in Sochi.

Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture

EUGENY PERKOV – 5th year student, a member of the student primary trade union organization of the university, winner of 1st degree of competition for the grant of Stavropol State Agrarian University of Science and Innovation for Young Scientists in 2013. Member of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Methods and means of improving the efficiency of technological processes in agriculture: experience, problems and prospects", the All-Russian scientific practical conference "Innovative ideas of the youth of Stavropol Krai - the development of the Russian economy." Winner of student scientific-practical and scientific-technical conference "Methods and means to enhance the use of electrical equipment in industry and agriculture", "Energy of the Future", Olympiad "Descriptive Geometry. Engineering Graphics "and others. Author and co-author of scientific articles. An active participant in city and regional events.

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