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Сooperation agreement


February 11, 2015 - the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism Stavropol State Agrarian University and JSC "Tourist hotel" Stavropol ". The object of the contract is organizing and conducting joint research, analytical, educational activities on issues of mutual interest. Under the agreement, JSC "Tourist hotel" Stavropol "is committed to providing a basis for practical training of students, lectures and seminars, training, collective scientific and methodological publications, inform about ongoing regional, national and international conferences, giving the right to participate in them.

It should be noted that the Faculty already has experience of successful cooperation with the Stavropol firms: Travel Works South, Continental, Park Hotel "Stavropol".

Дата новости для фото:  12.02.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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